Pho is not just a dish, but also a distinctive cultural symbol of Vietnam, closely associated with the image and life of the local people. Originating in Northern Vietnam in the early 20th century, Pho quickly became an indispensable part of Vietnamese cuisine.
Ingredients and Preparation Process: The main ingredients of Pho include Pho noodles (a special kind of noodle made from rice flour), beef or chicken, and a variety of spices such as onions, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves.
The Pho broth is simmered from animal bones, often taking several hours to achieve a rich and clear flavor. Though originating from the North, Pho has developed many variations as it spread throughout the country.
Traditional Northern Pho maintains its simplicity, focusing on the flavor of the broth and meat. In contrast, Southern Pho, especially Saigon Pho, is usually richer with various herbs, bean sprouts, and even black pepper and chili oil.
Pho is not just confined to street corners or restaurants, but also appears in Vietnamese popular culture.
From literature, cinema to festivals, Pho always evokes memories of the homeland and is a pride of the Vietnamese people. It also serves as a cultural exchange bridge, as this dish becomes increasingly known and loved worldwide.
In the era of integration and globalization, Pho continuously innovates to adapt. Fusion versions of Pho, combining different ingredients and culinary styles like Pho pizza, Pho burger, have emerged, offering new experiences to diners.
Below is a list of 10 popular Pho brands in Vietnam, based on their fame and customer reviews:
Pho Bat Dan, Hanoi: One of the most famous traditional Pho restaurants in Hanoi, known for its distinctive Northern Pho flavor.
Pho Thin Lo Duc, Hanoi: Famous for its unique tasting stir-fried beef Pho, served quickly.
Pho 24: A chain of Pho restaurants present in many big cities, known for its clean space and professional service.
Pho Hoa Pasteur, Saigon: One of the long-standing and beloved Pho restaurants in Saigon, known for its delicious and rich broth.
Pho Quynh, Saigon: Famous for its beef stew Pho and rare beef Pho, consistently good quality.
Pho Hung, multiple branches: This brand is present in many cities, known for high-quality beef and chicken Pho.
Pho Gia Truyen Bat Dan, Hanoi: Another famous Pho restaurant in Hanoi, known for its soft noodles and quality beef.
Pho Dau, Hanoi: Famous for its traditional Northern Pho style, focusing on the flavor of the broth.
Pho Minh, Saigon: Known for its beef and chicken Pho, tasty broth, and diverse menu.
Pho 2000, Saigon: Famous for once serving US President Bill Clinton, Pho 2000 attracts many tourists with its traditional yet modern Pho flavor.
These brands reflect the diversity and richness of Vietnamese Pho, from traditional to modern variations, catering to every diner’s needs.
Herbs accompanying Pho play an essential part, enriching the dish’s flavor. Here is a list of commonly used herbs with Pho in Vietnam:
Basil: This aromatic herb is often added to the Pho bowl to enhance its fragrance and flavor.
Cilantro: With its strong, slightly spicy aroma, cilantro is usually finely chopped and sprinkled on top of Pho.
Bean sprouts: Eaten raw or blanched, they add crunchiness and freshness to Pho.
Green onions: Finely chopped green onions are sprinkled on top of Pho to add flavor.
Cilantro: Different from cilantro, this herb has a milder flavor and is also popular as a Pho accompaniment. Fried shallots: Crispy fried shallots are used to add a delicious aroma and stimulate the palate.
Lime: Lime wedges are often squeezed into Pho to add a light sour taste, balancing the dish’s flavor.
Chilies: Fresh or chopped chilies are used to add spiciness for those who prefer a hot taste.
Kaffir lime leaves: Used for their distinctive flavor, although not a common ingredient everywhere.
Thai basil: This herb has a slightly different flavor than regular basil, bringing a novel taste to the palate.
Each herb has its unique role in creating Pho’s signature flavor, and individuals can choose to combine them according to personal preference.
The price of Pho in Vietnam varies widely, depending on location, quality, and the style of the eatery.
Below is an estimate of the prices from budget to upscale.
Budget Pho:Price: From 20,000 VND to 40,000 VND (approximately 1 to 2 USD).
Features: Small eateries, usually street vendors or small restaurants in residential areas.Quality: Despite the low price, many budget Pho restaurants still maintain good quality with traditional flavors.
Mid-Range Pho:Price: From 40,000 VND to 80,000 VND (approximately 2 to 3.5 USD).
Features: Restaurants with more spacious seating, often located in commercial areas or near tourist centers.
Quality: Usually cleaner, serving a variety of Pho with quality ingredients.
Upscale Pho:Price: From 80,000 VND to 150,000 VND or higher (approximately 3.5 to 6.5 USD and up).
Features: Upscale Pho is usually served in luxurious restaurants with cozy spaces and professional service.
Quality: These places may use special ingredients like imported beef, have a refined presentation style, and often come with a unique culinary experience.
Note that these prices can vary over time and region. The cost of Pho in big cities like Hanoi or Saigon may be higher than in rural areas or smaller cities.